Underrated emojis and emoticons!

Praveen G Anand
2 min readSep 21, 2018

Emojis and emoticons, while being a fairly recent development since the advent of smart phones, have managed to revolutionise the way in which people communicate! Don’t believe me? Keep reading! :P 😋

Text messages, unlike face-to-face conversations, fail to convey the manner in which a person intends to communicate or portray something, leading to misinterpretation, which can be harmful! Don’t agree with me? Here’s an example- “I hate it! :P XD”, takes on a completely different meaning when rephrased without the emoticons!! A person having little information is dangerous while one having misinformation can be apocalyptic. Communication is key and emojis and emoticons are a great aid for the same.

I, for instance, exhaustively and infinitely rely on emojis and emoticons to make thinly veiled insults that won’t actually hurt someone’s sentiments! :’) Upon introspection, that’s one way to deliver constructive criticism. That’s also the reason why formal literature is incredibly challenging to write since it’s difficult to transcribe one’s thoughts into words.

Are you also wondering why I keep using ‘emojis and emoticons’ collectively and not just one of them interchangeably? It’s only because they mean different things, although the difference is somewhat trivial and negligible when casually referred. However, if you’re an attorney, trying to make a case, well, tread cautiously! Emojis refer to the pictographic ( 😀) representation, while emoticons are typographic ( :D ). Bet you didn’t know that, now did you?! :3

Image via oxygenagency.co.uk

Emojis and emoticons are so versatile, yet underrated, what with the plethora of these currently available and the ones constantly being created. They add volumes of meaning to a sentence, apart from the fact they bring to the text an element of informality, in the conventional sense, as of now. So, the next time you use an emoji or an emoticon in your texts, just take a moment to appreciate them, for what would the world be without them? :”) :D 😉



Praveen G Anand

I always enjoy a tryst with words. Compulsive over-thinker. Aloof, but amiable (self-acclaimed)